Деловой английский язык

Для успешной сдачи дисциплины необходимо:

1) Самостоятельно изучить ресурсы электронной библиотеки СДО, содержащий видео-лекции, видео-консультации, электронный учебно-методический комплекс (ЭУМК) (не обязательно).

2) До сдачи основного теста, пройти тренировочное тестирование – «Самопроверка» (не обязательно).

3) Принять участие в Интернет-коллоквиуме - обсуждаются темы коллоквиума (обязательно выполняется, если он открыт).

4) Защитить курсовую работу, защита проводиться в Интернет-коллоквиуме (обязательно выполняется, если Вы писали курсовую работу).

Защита состоит из двух этапов:
- первая этап: написание аннотации к курсовой работе.
- второй этап: ответы на дополнительные вопросы преподавателя.

5) В период сессии, пройти основное тестирование, в режиме on-line  – «Итоговое тестирование» (выполнять обязательно, по результатам этого тестирования выставляется оценка в зачетную книжку)


Деловой английский язык

Для успешной сдачи дисциплины необходимо:

1) Самостоятельно изучить ресурсы электронной библиотеки СДО, содержащий видео-лекции, видео-консультации, электронный учебно-методический комплекс (ЭУМК) (не обязательно).

2) До сдачи основного теста, пройти тренировочное тестирование – «Самопроверка» (не обязательно).

3) Принять участие в Интернет-коллоквиуме - обсуждаются темы коллоквиума (обязательно выполняется, если он открыт).

4) Защитить курсовую работу, защита проводиться в Интернет-коллоквиуме (обязательно выполняется, если Вы писали курсовую работу).

Защита состоит из двух этапов:
- первая этап: написание аннотации к курсовой работе.
- второй этап: ответы на дополнительные вопросы преподавателя.

5) В период сессии, пройти основное тестирование, в режиме on-line  – «Итоговое тестирование» (выполнять обязательно, по результатам этого тестирования выставляется оценка в зачетную книжку)



1) To lose a husband at ______________ was a tragedy for this model.

2) The problem is that ________________ of modern art has no lasting value.

3) John Lennon met Cynthia, who became his first wife, after his mother _______________ in the car crash.

4) If people _________________ the sanctity of life, they will perish like dinosaurs.

5) Queen Victoria distanced herself from her own mother ______________ she was able.

6) Food prices ________________ at their fastest rate for over a decade.

7) In the previous century, women bringing up children without husbands ________________ rely on aunts and grannies.

8) Francis Bacon concluded that the ancient Egyptians _______________ the greatest artists in the world.

9) If people could learn to think before they get old, _____________ no wars or obsession with money and fame.

10) Four out of ten workers said that they ____________ never _____________ at their working place by employers.

11) Dr. Kurzwell is considered __________________ one of the most radical figures in the field of technological prediction.

12) What _________________ if the Beatles hadn’t split up in April 1970?

13) With more than 3 million people working at home there never _________________ a more pressing need for people who know how to fix computers.

14) _________________ capitalists now admit that the oil crisis is real.

15) Wars are not pleasant, going ________________ war is hazardous.

16) The official definition of the poverty line in Britain is any family living on __________________ than 60 per cent of the average income.

17) Not long ago private education ___________ automatically from one generation to the next, like the family silver.

18) No one makes money by taking from the rich and giving to the poor _______________ Robin Hood, you know.

19) Cultural organizations from across the UK _________________ now to be the part of the London 2012 culture program.

20) A child who is afraid of dogs, might refuse to play at _____________ houses in case they have a pet.

21) The number of taxis in London __________ by 13 per cent recently.

22) Giotto brought into painting a sense of weight and mass that never ____________ before.

23) Students need to get ______________ work experience as possible before they graduate.

24) It was reported by British scientists, that the first flowers – tulips or Arabidopsis - ____________ on the moon in 2012 or 2015.

25) Prince Harry insisted ________________ serving in the army on the same terms as his comrades.

26) Having been asked by journalists what ___________ the minister made no comment.

27) If people are in the public eye, they have an obligation to set an example to ____________ population.

28) What’s wrong with ________________ middle class and why shouldn’t middle class have their own radio station?

29) There is an opinion that poverty ___________ to Britain from poor countries around the world.

30) Experienced men know that what truly makes ________________ woman attractive is her being sensual.

31) For years, Mediterranean beaches ________________ by jellyfish.

32) George Clooney has never been married. ________________ has another Hollywood actor, Orlando Bloom.

33) Independent school fees ________________ by 41 per cent over the past five years.

34) The UK capital__________ the best for nightlife and public parks recently.

35) Our minds are sometimes unable to differentiate _______________ a fact and a fiction.

36) More than 600 000 parents have just found out which secondary school their son or daughter _____________ .

37) According to a review of the UK citizenship, a new public holiday _______________ to celebrate Britishness.

38) Of the 232 million pairs of shoes ________________ in Britain last year only a mall proportion could be described as proper shoes.

39) Of the 232 million pairs of shoes ________________ in Britain last year only a mall proportion could be described as proper shoes.

40) One in five British children thinks that _________________ a mobile phone is a sign of being poor.

41) It seems unlikely that future generations ___________________ to enjoy the same things that we do.

42) The Green Park side of _____________ Piccadilly is the place where street artists set their pictures against the railings.

43) No one will complain of kids _______________ around in the park or at the beach.

44) Paris Hilton is not _________________ one to shy away from attention of any sort.

45) Thanking people for things they ________________ for us, is one of the cornerstones of a civilized society.

46) There’s nothing worse than someone who takes ________________ terribly serious.

47) Children __________________ respect those who work hard for others.

48) Prince Harry _________________ in the footsteps of other admired royals as Mountbatten.

49) New experiments show that a computer can use geometry to predict ________________ a human face is attractive or not.

50) The hard Days Night Hotel, the first Beatles – themed hotel ________________ in Liverpool City Centre in February 2008.

51) British citizens will be able to choose between ________________ an ID card or a new biometric passport.

52) Miss Middleton has complained to her lawyer that ________________ she goes, a photographer is always one step ahead of her.

53) More that half of men expect ________________ to go out with their friends and come home late without their wives’ complaining.

54) A successful candidate is likely to come from ________________ a research or agency background.

55) Hunting with dog _____________ in Britain in 2005.

56) By 2011 every secondary school pupil ______________ to cook eight classic British meals.

57) Change opens you up to a life that is ______________ exciting and that allows you to be yourself.

58) She went to work ___________ she had a cold.

59) Guest: “ _____________ “. Hostess: “Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

60) The majority of Australian inhabitants are of ________________ origin.

61) Children are __________ selfish as their parents allow them to be.

62) The longest living tree in the world grows in _________ California.

63) Why __________ women so long to get ready for a night out?

64) Let’s stop at this restaurant for a quick _____________.

65) Your face seems familiar to me. We ______ have met somewhere.

66) __________ of her arrival, I went to see her.

67) There exists quite a lot of things which people _____________ don’t know for sure

68) Paul insisted __________ visiting his parents.

69) It was a good idea of _____________ to go swimming this afternoon.

70) The Pyramids were built __________ people who lived a long time ago.

71) Shop assistant: “Can I help you?’ Customer: “ ________________”.

72) One should know and believe that he can achieve ____________ he wants in his life.

73) Student: “Have you had enough time to mark my composition?” Teacher: “ ___________________”.

74) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of _______.

75) Do you want a sandwich? – No, thanks. I ______ just ______ lunch.

76) Begin with a minute ___________ two of small talk.

77) French is an official language in _______.

78) ____________ of us has anything in common.

79) The grass there was much ___________ than on the upper field.

80) Don’t blame the previous government ___________ present troubles.

81) One _________ buy avocados and olive oil at almost every street corner.

82) Queen Victoria’s letters make her the most knowable __________ British monarchs.

83) How many stripes are there on the US flag?

84) Prince Charles and Camilla were careful _________ the British public by appearing together as a couple too soon after Diana’s death.

85) ____________ reality of climate change should inspire everyone to take actions.

86) __________ last year Jim Cronin died of liver cancer.

87) _____________.Trafalgar Square is a square where only the heroes linked with the defense of the country should be commemorated.

88) The research __________________ in the journal Science, shows that taking revenge is more common in relatively corrupt traditional societies.

89) Britons __________________ a decade of high spending on luxury goods, holidays and second homes.

90) Independent school fees ________________ by 41 per cent over the past five years.

91) Have you ever dreamed of ________________ James Bond’s Aston Martin or the Batmobile?

92) The human race ______________ art for thousands of years.

93) When Melanie Allen and her husband adopted a five-year old girl, they _________________ believe their good fortune.

94) ________________ is the one who knows what is enough.

95) Before _________________ fine art at Central St. Martins in London, McArtee was a graffiti artist.

96) It is worth ____________ that metaphor is the foundation of human reason.

97) A human skeleton renews _________________ every seven years.

98) Research shows that people are more likely to help you, if you _________________ something for them first.

99) Australian animals are under so much pressure already that they are not going to be able to adopt global changes _______________.

100) Business in Britain can ______________ ignore 165 million people in Pakistan or 240 million people in Indonesia.

101) Love makes us blind to the charms of _____________.

102) Speaking negatively about others ________________ ‘evil tongue’ in the Bible.

103) It’s nice to watch the roses _________________ in the garden of your own.

104) People heading top positions are expected _________________ gyms and wear designer clothes.

105) The USA Department of Agriculture reported that the cost of feeding a low-income family or four _________________ significantly within 12 months.

106) It is very likely that ________________ investigations will reveal new examples of the natural communication of monkeys.

107) An award-winning cancer expert has concluded that mobile phones could kill _______________ people than smoking.

108) Britain has a proportionally _________________ prison population than most of other European countries.

109) __________________ the university of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland, Prince William started studying History of Art.

110) All European citizens _________________ share an interest in protecting and improving the environment around.

111) Without wealth people often worry about making ends __________________.

112) The Mediterranean is at ________________ risk than it is thought of a major earthquake.

113) When _______________ First World War began, it was compulsory for all British officers to have a moustache.

114) When buttons first _______________ in the 17th century, they were seen only on garments of the wealthy.

115) There will be _________________ technical progress during the next half century than there was in the entire 20th.

116) Scientists say that we prefer people who we think are similar ____________ ourselves.