Деловой английский язык
Для успешной сдачи дисциплины необходимо:
1) Самостоятельно изучить ресурсы электронной библиотеки СДО, содержащий видео-лекции, видео-консультации, электронный учебно-методический комплекс (ЭУМК) (не обязательно).
2) До сдачи основного теста, пройти тренировочное тестирование – «Самопроверка» (не обязательно).
3) Принять участие в Интернет-коллоквиуме - обсуждаются темы коллоквиума (обязательно выполняется, если он открыт).
4) Защитить курсовую работу, защита проводиться в Интернет-коллоквиуме (обязательно выполняется, если Вы писали курсовую работу).
Защита состоит из двух этапов:
- первая этап: написание аннотации к курсовой работе.
- второй этап: ответы на дополнительные вопросы преподавателя.
5) В период сессии, пройти основное тестирование, в режиме on-line – «Итоговое тестирование» (выполнять обязательно, по результатам этого тестирования выставляется оценка в зачетную книжку)
Деловой английский язык
Для успешной сдачи дисциплины необходимо:
1) Самостоятельно изучить ресурсы электронной библиотеки СДО, содержащий видео-лекции, видео-консультации, электронный учебно-методический комплекс (ЭУМК) (не обязательно).
2) До сдачи основного теста, пройти тренировочное тестирование – «Самопроверка» (не обязательно).
3) Принять участие в Интернет-коллоквиуме - обсуждаются темы коллоквиума (обязательно выполняется, если он открыт).
4) Защитить курсовую работу, защита проводиться в Интернет-коллоквиуме (обязательно выполняется, если Вы писали курсовую работу).
Защита состоит из двух этапов:
- первая этап: написание аннотации к курсовой работе.
- второй этап: ответы на дополнительные вопросы преподавателя.
5) В период сессии, пройти основное тестирование, в режиме on-line – «Итоговое тестирование» (выполнять обязательно, по результатам этого тестирования выставляется оценка в зачетную книжку)
1) To lose a husband at ______________ was a tragedy for this model.
2) The problem is that ________________ of modern art has no lasting value.
4) If people _________________ the sanctity of life, they will perish like dinosaurs.
5) Queen Victoria distanced herself from her own mother ______________ she was able.
6) Food prices ________________ at their fastest rate for over a decade.
12) What _________________ if the Beatles hadn’t split up in April 1970?
14) _________________ capitalists now admit that the oil crisis is real.
15) Wars are not pleasant, going ________________ war is hazardous.
21) The number of taxis in London __________ by 13 per cent recently.
22) Giotto brought into painting a sense of weight and mass that never ____________ before.
23) Students need to get ______________ work experience as possible before they graduate.
25) Prince Harry insisted ________________ serving in the army on the same terms as his comrades.
26) Having been asked by journalists what ___________ the minister made no comment.
29) There is an opinion that poverty ___________ to Britain from poor countries around the world.
31) For years, Mediterranean beaches ________________ by jellyfish.
33) Independent school fees ________________ by 41 per cent over the past five years.
34) The UK capital__________ the best for nightlife and public parks recently.
35) Our minds are sometimes unable to differentiate _______________ a fact and a fiction.
43) No one will complain of kids _______________ around in the park or at the beach.
44) Paris Hilton is not _________________ one to shy away from attention of any sort.
46) There’s nothing worse than someone who takes ________________ terribly serious.
47) Children __________________ respect those who work hard for others.
48) Prince Harry _________________ in the footsteps of other admired royals as Mountbatten.
54) A successful candidate is likely to come from ________________ a research or agency background.
55) Hunting with dog _____________ in Britain in 2005.
56) By 2011 every secondary school pupil ______________ to cook eight classic British meals.
58) She went to work ___________ she had a cold.
59) Guest: “ _____________ “. Hostess: “Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it.
60) The majority of Australian inhabitants are of ________________ origin.
61) Children are __________ selfish as their parents allow them to be.
62) The longest living tree in the world grows in _________ California.
63) Why __________ women so long to get ready for a night out?
64) Let’s stop at this restaurant for a quick _____________.
65) Your face seems familiar to me. We ______ have met somewhere.
66) __________ of her arrival, I went to see her.
67) There exists quite a lot of things which people _____________ don’t know for sure
68) Paul insisted __________ visiting his parents.
69) It was a good idea of _____________ to go swimming this afternoon.
70) The Pyramids were built __________ people who lived a long time ago.
71) Shop assistant: “Can I help you?’ Customer: “ ________________”.
72) One should know and believe that he can achieve ____________ he wants in his life.
73) Student: “Have you had enough time to mark my composition?” Teacher: “ ___________________”.
74) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of _______.
75) Do you want a sandwich? – No, thanks. I ______ just ______ lunch.
76) Begin with a minute ___________ two of small talk.
77) French is an official language in _______.
78) ____________ of us has anything in common.
79) The grass there was much ___________ than on the upper field.
80) Don’t blame the previous government ___________ present troubles.
81) One _________ buy avocados and olive oil at almost every street corner.
82) Queen Victoria’s letters make her the most knowable __________ British monarchs.
83) How many stripes are there on the US flag?
85) ____________ reality of climate change should inspire everyone to take actions.
86) __________ last year Jim Cronin died of liver cancer.
89) Britons __________________ a decade of high spending on luxury goods, holidays and second homes.
90) Independent school fees ________________ by 41 per cent over the past five years.
91) Have you ever dreamed of ________________ James Bond’s Aston Martin or the Batmobile?
92) The human race ______________ art for thousands of years.
94) ________________ is the one who knows what is enough.
96) It is worth ____________ that metaphor is the foundation of human reason.
97) A human skeleton renews _________________ every seven years.
101) Love makes us blind to the charms of _____________.
102) Speaking negatively about others ________________ ‘evil tongue’ in the Bible.
103) It’s nice to watch the roses _________________ in the garden of your own.
104) People heading top positions are expected _________________ gyms and wear designer clothes.
111) Without wealth people often worry about making ends __________________.
112) The Mediterranean is at ________________ risk than it is thought of a major earthquake.
116) Scientists say that we prefer people who we think are similar ____________ ourselves.