Английский язык ч.1
Для успешной сдачи дисциплины необходимо:
1) Самостоятельно изучить ресурсы электронной библиотеки СДО, содержащий видео-лекции, видео-консультации, электронный учебно-методический комплекс (ЭУМК) (не обязательно).
2) До сдачи основного теста, пройти тренировочное тестирование – «Самопроверка» (не обязательно).
3) Принять участие в Интернет-коллоквиуме - обсуждаются темы коллоквиума (обязательно выполняется, если он открыт).
4) Защитить курсовую работу, защита проводиться в Интернет-коллоквиуме (обязательно выполняется, если Вы писали курсовую работу).
Защита состоит из двух этапов:
- первая этап: написание аннотации к курсовой работе.
- второй этап: ответы на дополнительные вопросы преподавателя.
5) В период сессии, пройти основное тестирование, в режиме on-line – «Итоговое тестирование» (выполнять обязательно, по результатам этого тестирования выставляется оценка в зачетную книжку)
Английский язык ч.1
Для успешной сдачи дисциплины необходимо:
1) Самостоятельно изучить ресурсы электронной библиотеки СДО, содержащий видео-лекции, видео-консультации, электронный учебно-методический комплекс (ЭУМК) (не обязательно).
2) До сдачи основного теста, пройти тренировочное тестирование – «Самопроверка» (не обязательно).
3) Принять участие в Интернет-коллоквиуме - обсуждаются темы коллоквиума (обязательно выполняется, если он открыт).
4) Защитить курсовую работу, защита проводиться в Интернет-коллоквиуме (обязательно выполняется, если Вы писали курсовую работу).
Защита состоит из двух этапов:
- первая этап: написание аннотации к курсовой работе.
- второй этап: ответы на дополнительные вопросы преподавателя.
5) В период сессии, пройти основное тестирование, в режиме on-line – «Итоговое тестирование» (выполнять обязательно, по результатам этого тестирования выставляется оценка в зачетную книжку)
2) It is worth ____________ that metaphor is the foundation of human reason.
9) Scientists say that we prefer people who we think are similar ____________ ourselves.
12) _______________ of rail passengers have been warned to expect a ‘summer chaos’ on the railways.
14) A human skeleton renews _________________ every seven years.
17) Watching images of Prince Harry in Afghanistan ________________ people will surely feel touched.
18) Is the risk of never marrying ________________ for men or women?
19) It’s nice to watch the roses _________________ in the garden of your own.
20) The Internet is supposed ________________ a lot of couples.
22) Tea tree oil ________________ now for its antiseptic properties.
23) Globe artichokes _________________ in England since the 1500s.
25) By 2030 China __________________ more buildings than there currently exist in Europe.
28) Love makes us blind to the charms of _____________.
31) It is often said that politeness costs _________________.
32) The Mediterranean is at ________________ risk than it is thought of a major earthquake.
34) One is definitely unhappy when he _______________ choose between eating and heating.
36) Nobody knows exactly how astrology works, but it __________________.
37) _____________ to swim against the tide.
38) Speaking negatively about others ________________ ‘evil tongue’ in the Bible.
45) If you ________________ as a happy person, than wealth or lack of won’t matter much.
46) Any staff _______________ by two cases: financial reward and a happy working environment.
48) Without wealth people often worry about making ends __________________.
49) People heading top positions are expected _________________ gyms and wear designer clothes.
51) The number of people __________________ in cities is about to overtake those left behind.
52) Never before, so much of our personal information __________________ for good or oil.
54) In the 1970s, scientists said that our global freezing _________________ our demise.
56) ____________ is the one who knows what is enough.
58) Children _______________ ever tell strangers they meet online too much about themselves.
60) Why ________________ women’s clothes button from the left while men’s button from the right?
62) While the Earth is over billions years old, intelligent life on it _______________ recently.
73) ___________ if you’ve been to Cyprus before, there is always a new world to discover.
74) There are _________________ 12 different hypotheses to explain how humans learnt to walk.
77) The first rule of nature is that one can’t get something for _______________.
78) There isn’t _________________ of starting any day than with fried eggs and bacon.
79) April Fools’ Day is one of ________________ days the year.
80) It has been proved that planets ________________ influence human characters.
81) To paraphrase Henry Higgins, why _________________ a woman shop more like a man?
82) The speech of Edinburgh reflects the city’s history as vividly as its architecture __________.
83) The more we carry, the more likely we _________________ something sooner or later.
89) It’s nice to let people __________________ that you are thankful to them.
90) Women spend three years of their life __________________ to go out.
91) Woman: “I’m Laura Miles from London office. How do you do?” Man: “ _____________.”
92) Student: “Have you had time to mark my composition?” Teacher: “___________________.”
95) The music business is ______________ by a particular style and sound than ever.
97) What women _______________, sends a message about them and their expectations.
98) A research shows that many men believe that the world __________________ by women now.
100) Do you wish you _______________ a better job?
101) Don’t let doubts about your future _______________ you hedge your bets.
104) ______________ is a particular system of art, thoughts, customs of a society.
105) A shorter, more _______________ meeting that leaves time for work.
107) ____________ reality of climate change should inspire everyone to take actions.
108) Queen Victoria’s letters make her the most knowable ________________ British monarchs.
109) Don’t blame the previous government _________________ present troubles.
110) Avoid all risks ________________ you are quite sure of where you stand.
112) There is an opinion that the easiest way to make money is to spend _______________ of it.
114) What do you ___________________ offer that other don’t?
116) You ________________ be a teacher or a computer expert to enjoy learning with children.
119) If you are not paying an adviser a fee, ________________ he gives you will be worthless.
120) The police _________________ to crack down people driving on drugs.
121) ____________ a barber to tell you if you need a haircut.
123) Life has it ups and downs, nothing in life _________________ forever.
129) The actress couldn’t go into detail about what she ___________
130) Across the Universe’ is a movie that you will ________ love or hate
131) The surface of the Moon is ___________ to sustain life
134) Nowadays ________ rich contribute to the wellbeing of the serfs only though taxation
135) Applying for a job, find __________ what is expected of you at the interview beforehand
136) ____________ ever gives up a good job with a nice salary and benefits
137) The ‘espresso revolution’ of the 20th century turned coffee ______________ a gastronome product
139) Unemployment __________ young people is higher nowadays than it was 10 years ago
142) With a little help from parents a computer becomes _____________ tool
144) Freddie Mercury always looked _____________ a star even when he was penniless
146) What ____________ women happy?
148) The Sumatran tiger will disappear if the poaching and trade _________
149) Courchevel has a reputation for being ___________ ski resort